Summer Research Project Update No.2 11 min read With the help of many people, I have collected over 100 articles/papers/research documents - Woo! I am currently triaging these and putting them into categories, vetoing the ones that aren’t relevant. In this update: Some more data from... Summer Research Project Update No.1 3 min read Hello, this is my first update of my research! I am looking at research surrounding women in computer science. At the end of my summer research I plan to detail some practical steps that the university can take to become... Introductions 1 min read Hello! My name is Grace and I (currently) live in New Zealand. I am studying computer science at University of Waikato. There are a bunch of things that I would like to blog about. I will make a short list...
Summer Research Project Update No.2 11 min read With the help of many people, I have collected over 100 articles/papers/research documents - Woo! I am currently triaging these and putting them into categories, vetoing the ones that aren’t relevant. In this update: Some more data from...
Summer Research Project Update No.1 3 min read Hello, this is my first update of my research! I am looking at research surrounding women in computer science. At the end of my summer research I plan to detail some practical steps that the university can take to become...
Introductions 1 min read Hello! My name is Grace and I (currently) live in New Zealand. I am studying computer science at University of Waikato. There are a bunch of things that I would like to blog about. I will make a short list...